What I have learned about being a teacher from God
I have learned to not have favorite students. It's clear that God has favorites by the way He treats us all with no equality. My family and I aren't on His favorite list and it's rotten. I'm not gonna do that to my students, I'm not going to make some feel like I like them and some feel like I couldn't care less about them. It's not fair and I want to be just. God's Favorites: He always provides for what they need, He never takes away anyone they care about, He gives them what they want when they want it most of the time. God's Non-Favorites: He doesn't provide for them consistently so they have have to work 12/6 to barely pay the minimum on the bills while they watch others have more than enough without even trying, He goes long periods of time not talking to His children that He says He loves, He continually breaks them letting things get worse with no break or explanation, He let's them get their hope up only to smack it out of the...