identity check

Lately, the last week or so, I've felt something stirring inside.  Something good, something progressive.  It's seemed like my heart has been softening towards God.  I've stopped cynically retorting to all the good things people say about God and the Christian walk, and have felt more comfortable with the idea of being in a relationship with God.  Today, at church, pastor talked about 'Identity' and I thought 'oh great, another one of those messages.'  But the message was, surprisingly, refreshing.

He talked about how we have been called children of God and this means that we ARE children of God,  1 John 2:28-3:10.  We should act accordingly.  As children of God, we can live a life of freedom and victory (1 John 2:12-14), although we often let the Accuser (devil) tell us that our mistakes/sins are who we are .  The  devil calls us failures when we fail at something, but the reality is we're still children of God, we simply made a mistake.  God tells us who we truly are even when we don't think it possible, Judges 6:12-18.  We have freedom to do what's right and predeclared-victory over sin and death.  That's some good news!

We're not expected to just be like Jesus, we're changed and grown to be glorified, like Jesus, as children of God.  And we often hear that and think "oh yea, great things are gonna be done through those people (people in church, people on tv), but I could never be used in such a great way by Him."  We don't think God can't do it, we don't think God can do it through us.  I no longer want to have that defeatist attitude.  If God wants me to do something, then I can do it because He equips and strengthens.  Period.

So the good news about me is that I'm getting back on track.  I know it's time for me to come home and I'm excited to get there.  Today I was praying, mostly listening, at the end of service and He told me that He sees me making my way home over the horizon and He's lifted his robe and is running toward me (prodigal son scene).  There's gonna be a party y'all.  After church I hoped in my car and, as usual, cut my radio on.  Immediately my brain shut off, He told me to cut the radio off and listen and process.  Part of my problem has been that I wouldn't take anything with me after hearing a message, I have been shutting down after the message, not processing.  After the radio was off, I prayed to ask God for help and to sort re-dedicate to Him.  It felt good to apply the message past the church doors.

Progress was made today, and the effort that I'll have to put in to re-explore 'childhood' with Him as my Father actually seems worth it to me.  I know it may not be easy, but I want it and badly.  It's worth it already.

>1 John 3:2-3
>Hebrews 12
>Romans 8:15-17


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