Musicians use it properly, why can't you?

Recently, I've seen commercials and other forms of media talking about how we should stop using the word "retard(ed)".  Now, while I understand the heart behind it, I think that's dumb.  Music is mostly written in Italian, so when there are words above or below the notes, they're typically in Italian.  When a passage needs to slow down, ritardando (rit.) is written under the staff.  We call it a "ritard" (not rEtard).  I have to admit, that when I teach this word to young musicians, they snicker initially, but after I explain that it's a word that musicians use to slow things down, and any improper use is unacceptable things are good and I never have a problem with it again.

Here's the thing: some people really are mentally, emotionally, and physically retarded.  This can be due to Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, any number of behavioral disorders, and an assortment of other things.  I think that by calling it a 'nicer', less politically correct name it does a disservice to those what are retarded in whatever capacity.  I am a woman, if we decide that the word 'woman/women' are too whatever and begin to be used as a derogatory word and so we eventually start using the term 'female homo sapien(s)' to spare feelings, suddenly I deduce that I am something 'other', something flawed, something unwholesome. This is what's being done when we say you can't use the word 'retard'.

Historically, this isn't the first time words' denotations have been overshadowed by and thus evolved into their connotations.  Ass(donkey)= person who is a jerk; bastard(person born out of wedlock)= person who is a jerk; gay(happy)=homosexual (usually male); butch(male name)=masculine lesbian; pot/weed(pot/weed)=marijuana; awful(some thing that is full of awe or wonderment)=terrible; faggot(French for bassoon)=derogatory term for homosexual; bitch(female dog)= derogatory word used to describe a male or female.

I think education is the answer (to most things) when it comes to proper use of the word 'retard(ed)'.  Last semester, I heard a student call a music stand (it holds the music up) retarded; the student was told that 1) stands can't be retarded, 2)there are really people who are retarded so it's insensitive and wrong to use it in a way that is expressing anything other than what it is because it hurts peoples feelings, and 3) the only type of use of 'retard' that'll be appropriate in the band room is 'ritard'.  The student apologized and we had no other problem with it.

So my question is why can't we just educate people on proper use of retard?  It really wouldn't be that hard and it would save the trouble of having to think of another word for retard.  Just saying.


  1. It's far easier to make a "rule" than to explain the heart behind it - same reason that it's far easier for people to get hung up on the details of Biblical law rather than focus on the heart behind those actions.

  2. Rule: One may only use 'retard(ed)' when referring to a being that is actually retarded.


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