Missionary Miscarriage
Hello, so I'm not going to Argentina in the near future with Campus Crusade for Christ. At base, I was only at 51% support raised and I cannot go underfunded. I've been describing this process of coming to terms with not going as a miscarriage. I have never been pregnant and so I have never miscarried, but I have often heard of things being 'spiritually birthed' and that's what I'm basing this on. I hope, and don't think it will, this analogy doesn't offend anyone, but it's truly how I feel. As many women have felt called their whole life to be mothers, to have lot's of babies with their amazing husband: I have felt called to be a missionary, to do lots of things with and for my amazing Lover. When the time was right, the moment finally came, she became pregnant and she knew it: finally I was called to be a missionary to Argentina when I graduated from school, I was so excited! She went to the Lamaze classes, ate the right food, did a gif...