support letter

Hello!  Below is the letter I've sent to people asking them to become part of my ministry team,  I've taken off some information (like my address).  Enjoy!

Hello, I hope this letter finds you well! I am so excited to share how the Lord has been moving in my life. I am a senior music education major at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and will be graduating with my Bachelors in Music Education in December. I have grown immensely in my relationship with the Lord throughout college, and one of the main contributors to the growth is an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ, an interdenominational Christian organization founded in 1951 by Bill and Vonette Bright. It is through this group (Cru for short) that I have learned how to deepen my relationship with God and how to effectively share my faith. I have also lead Bible studies and discipled ladies on my campus. This organization has helped equip me to share my faith and to live my faith.

Since returning from a Summer Missions Project to Costa Rica in 2009, I really felt like the Lord was leading me into something different than I had planned for when I graduate. Through a series of events, my graduation was pushed back to December instead of May. Over the Winter Break last year, God really made it clear that I was to apply to minister overseas after I graduated. When I submitted to His will, I finally felt at peace about my future for the first time in a while. The anxiety and frustration about the future went away because I knew that the Lord would provide and protect when I chose to be obedient to His plan for my life. This obedience led me to apply to intern with Campus Crusade for Christ as a Short Term International (STINT) missionary. I will be STINTing in Buenos Aires, Argentina!

Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world and is in South America. I will be in the capital, Buenos Aires, and will be working with their Cruzada Estudantil y Profesional para Cristo (their Campus Crusade movement). Although, the country is Roman Catholic for the most part, many people do not practice their faith and, like many places in the world, many of the people do not have relationships with Jesus Christ. My vision for the Argentine students is for them to learn to live a Spirit filled life leading to obedience to the Lord. This obedience and sensitivity to the Lord's will will lead to the nationals taking ownership of the Cruzada Estudantil y Profesional para Cristo movement and continue to trust the Lord to "win lost students to Christ, build them up in their faith and send them out to do likewise".

I am so excited and humbled to be used by the Lord in such a way; this is something I have dreamed of since I was very young. I get to trust God with using me and others to “win lost students to Christ, building them up in their faith, and sending them out to do likewise” and all in another country, and in another language!

Officially, I leave the 1st of January in 2011 and until then I am working to find a team of ministry partners who will enable me to serve in Buenos Aires next year. Like 72% of missionary organizations, Campus Crusade for Christ has no central pool of funds and thusly relies on the consistent financial support of concerned individuals and churches. Would you prayerfully consider becoming part of this ministry by financially supporting me with $100 dollars a month or some other amount? All donations go to Campus Crusade for Christ and are tax deductible.


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