truckin' along

Hello all!  This past week has been strange and awesome.  Last Saturday was a very tough day; I woke up with the ringing thought of "You're not to go to Argentina".  This made me panicky, scared, and confused.  I tried refuting that thought with using [my] logic:  why would the Lord change my heart so drastically for Argentina?, couldn't this be a lie from satan (he is called the father of lies after all)?, am I just feeling discouraged?  So I decided to go to the Lord, He knows all that answers.  I voiced my fear, that He wasn't calling me to Argentina like I knew He was, and wasn't even going to bother reading my Bible, but I did.  Right now I'm reading Daniel in my quiet times with the Father and that book is full of goodies!  By no coincedence, I was at Daniel chapter six, this is where King Darius made a rule that no one should pray to anyone that was not his god(s) or else they would be thrown into the lions' den to die.  Daniel was obedient and not in private either; he prayed as he always did, multiple times a day, with windows wide open.  What a brave and faithful servant he was!  Well the people plotting against him, found out about his praying to the Lord of all Creation and King Darius, regretfully, threw him in the lions den as he had ruled.  When Darius went to check to see what had become of Daniel, he found him safe, hanging out with the lions.  Completely in tact.  Daniel 6:25-27>
Then King Darius wrote to all the peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth: "Peace be multiplied to you. 26 I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel,

for he is the living God,
enduring forever;
his kingdom shall never be destroyed,
and his dominion shall be to the end.
27He delivers and rescues;
he works signs and wonders
in heaven and on earth,
he who has saved Daniel
from the power of the lions."

What a change of heart for such a big shot, huh?!

This passage really spoke to me; Daniel was facing some serious pressure, but he kept his faith in the Most High God and the Lord not only protected him, but He blessed him even more and he changed a ruler through him as well!

After reading this, the Lord spoke to me, and in short said that I am going to Buenos Aires, Argentina as a STINT missionary next year.  He said that He is always faithful and that is it me (Coléa) who has to learn to trust Him.  And He reminded me that He only speaks truth.

After this time with the Lord, I felt 1) exhausted and 2) encouraged that the Lord has a great plan for my life and 'all it takes' is for me to keep my eyes locked on Him and trust Him every step of the way.  I know that there will continue to be times when I don't trust Him as I should, but I also know that His ability, strength, and character never waivers even when mine does.  That is the God I get to serve!


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