Random stuff I'm excited about: cars

So sometimes I'll be dealing with something, serious or not so much, in my life and I think " I can't wait to be in Argentina, so I won't have to deal with this."  As of late I've thought that about my car; I'm grateful for it and I definitely need it.  BUT I sure do hate car maintenance; it makes NO sense to me, all those liquids you got to keep pouring/pumping in, all those lights to look at/understand in the dashboard, the insurance stuff to worry about, ick!  I'm just no good at it.  So in addition to ministry in Argentina, I'm uber anticipatory of not having to deal with a car for a year.  I know it's silly, but I seriously despise that car stuff, there are so many other things I'd rather be doing with my time and energy than dealing with my car!


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