email from a future team member

Hello! This is part of an email a future team member of mine sent to us future Buenos Aires, Argentina.  It was so encouraging to me on a tough today like today.  I desire to have faith like that, there's no reason that I cannot.

I recently got word that some of you may be feeling slightly discouraged in the area of raising finances. We’ve all been there and understand you completely. I wanted to include a few paragraphs from a book that I recently finished reading, It’s Not Death to Die – the biography of Hudson Taylor – because they immensely expanded my concept of faith and understanding of God’s faithfulness. Below is a memory he recalled of inspiration he received from another famous missionary – George Muller: 

“A story that encouraged Hudson was of the time when there was no food on the breakfast table for the orphan children being cared for by Muller.
The tables were set, but the plates were empty and there was no money to buy food. With the children seated and waiting for their meal, Muller lifted his hands heavenward and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving for the food the Lord was about to provide. No sooner had he finished praying than there was a knock on the door and there stood the local baker with an armful of loaves of break. He explained that he couldn’t sleep that night as he was concerned that the children were without food. As a result, he rose early in the morning and baked some fresh bread for the orphanage.
A few minutes later there was a second knock on the door and the local milkman announced that he had cans of fresh milk for the children. His milk cart had broken down outside the orphanage and as he had to unload the milk to make repairs, they could have it all.

The God of grace had come to Muller’s aid when his need was greatest, answering his prayer of faith.”

In another part in the book, Hudson Taylor comments to those who worry about money: “He (God) is too wise to allow His purposes to be frustrated for a lack of little money.”
So I just want to encourage each of you to pray a prayer of thanksgiving for all the money that God will raise for you, and to say the prayer in true faith, sincerely believing it.

When I was raising support, I received $700 in cash in an anonymous envelope. God is capable of all things.


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