this week

It never seems to amaze me how the Lord keeps me and loves me and how He expresses His love.  My mind is so small, I put these limits/expectations/plans on God because that's what makes sense to me.  But God is bigger and better, in fact, He's perfect.  So when my plans and expectations don't go the way I expect for them to and I feel frustrated, confused, and maybe even a little cheated; God comes in and reminds me that He's had it all along.

At times I feel frustrated, confused, and maybe even a little cheated about Ministry Partner Development; I didn't expect for it to be this hard.  But even on days when I'm feeling so very discouraged and disappointed, the LORD reminds me that He takes care of me.  He reminds me, constantly, that this isn't up to me.  This is not the Coléa show, this is and always will be about God.  This is about God being glorified, from the process of building my Ministry Team to the day I return to the US from Argentina.

I love the Father sooo much!  Every week at church, college-young adult group, small group, quiet times (which are everyday), and random encounters, the Creator of the Universe shows His love for me!  He delights in me, and everyday He wants to spend time with me.  He wants to show me His love and wants me to love Him.  What a great King!

I'll be honest, support raising has not been going well, but God will provide.  All I can do is be obedient to Him and trust that He will follow through with His plan for my life.  Easy as pie, right?  If you want to give, this link is what you're looking for:


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