how am I liking teaching? I just wanna make music.

I get asked this a lot now.  The answer is like it, they still feel like someone else's kids (which they are), but there are a lot of extra duties/responsibilities that I don't like so much:

>>>I have to keep track of bathroom usage for each student (they're only allowed to use it 5 times per semester in each class); I couldn't care less how often they use the bathroom, as long as they're being productive in class.

>>>They have a lot of drama; I'm an adult and don't care about the crisis of the day, I wanna make music.

>>>When they're absent I have to record it and notice any patterns; I just wanna make music.

>>>When they're tardy, there are consequences that I have to enforce; show up to my class on time, because then I waste class time recording it and dealing out consequences (I have to send notes home and do after school detention).  What a waste of everyones' time, get to class on frickin' time.

>>>They don't do instrument maintenance at home so they ask to leave the music making process to oil their valves.  You're wasting my time with that crap, and it's a dead give away that you don't practice at home.

>>>They act surprised that I would have them play in band class.  Do you do math in math class?  What a dumb question: "What are we gonna do today?"; well it's band so...also I always write it on  the board, READ!

>>>They'll say they didn't do it when I just watched/heard them do it.  That's just dumb.

>>>They always wanna run errands for their other classes during my class; YOU chose band, don't you wanna be here for it?

>>>Other teachers always hold students in their class during my class; that kid's never never gonna be a mathematician so let them come to band and be good at something in their life.  How about I start pulling my students out of your class so the student can work on some music for me?  Deal?

>>>Gossip, griping, and talking about pregnancy (and giving birth) make me uncomfortable and sick to my stomach, so don't do it while I'm eating.

Phew, I think I'm finished with my rant.


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