
The past few weeks abiding has been on my mind a lot; it all started when I heard a message about it at my Charlotte church, the message was one of the best I've ever heard.  The Sunday after that I heard more about abiding at my Greensboro church.  Both messages were good and both got me thinking about what it means to abide with/in the Father.

This whole abiding business is hard, there are no step-by-step instructions.  Despite what many people think, I like step-by-step instructions, they're like a rubric and as a teacher, I endorse rubrics.  The truth is: it's easy to just follow some instructions, even if the instructions present a challenge, one knows that upon following said instructions the goal will be reached.  But, like I said, abiding doesn't have a formula or a 10 step program.  Right now, it feels like I'm just wondering around trying to figure out how to do it, and what it looks like to me.  A couple of weeks ago, at my Greensboro church, I asked a follow up question to my pastor's brief discussion about abiding (once a month, there's a Q & A time at the end of the message); I asked what it looks like to abide.  He responded with details from his own life on how he abides with the Lord.  But he said that it's a process for everyone and it looks different on everyone.  I know that, but I was just hoping for some clue as to how to abide.

I don't know whether I've gotten closer to learning how I abide with the Lord, I think there have been times in my life when I've been closer to doing so, but I just called it something different.  I'm trying not to be superstitious about this process; I don't want to expect a certain result because I have this regimented spiritual life.  So I've been intentional about breaking my regimen: speak (write), read (Bible), speak/meditate on Scripture (write), listen (to God).  I don't want to only experience God in those ways.  I think those disciplines are quite important in spiritual growth, but they are not the only ways that God makes Himself known to us.  God expresses Himself in His Creation and His Creation has been coming back to life with the onset of Spring.  I like being able to meet God in more ways than just my "quiet time" regimen.  My Charlotte church pastor expressed it wonderfully when he said it's a problem when we view "quiet time" with God as a chore instead of a delight!  Have you ever spent time with someone who is spending time with you out of obligation instead of out of choice?  It sucks huh?  It doesn't feel very good for either one of you.  I don't wanna do that to God, I don't wanna treat Him like an obligation; He delights in me why should I only hang with Him because I'm supposed to and I wanna seem 'spiritual'?  There's something gravely wrong with that attitude.

This abiding business is something I'm still trying to wrap my head around, but I want it so badly so I'm willing to pursue it.  I pray that my pursuit pleases the Lord, because ultimately that's what I'm actually pursuing:  knowing Him more deeply.


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