so I've decided

I've decided that I like blogging.  I'm an external processor, which means I better understand and sort out life through putting it out there.  This could be through the means of writing and/or speaking.  This doesn't mean that I can't understand my world and feelings if I don't do one of the following, but things get jumbled up in my head and it helps to see them or talk through them.

I don't really know whether people really read my blog, but it doesn't really bother me either way.  I want to be a better blogger; I have friends that have/maintain blogs and I really admire their writing.  Some of them have such a beautiful way with words so it's like reading poetry, others have really interesting things to write about, and yet others just make everything seem interesting.  Of course part of the appeal of reading their blogs is my interest in them; but what can I say, love my friends.

A couple of years ago, I had to take English 101 and my teacher taught us to have a more authentic writing process.  She would say stuff like 'the writing process is messy, just like any other art form', this really struck me because I had been taught (all my life) a very pristine, precise process.  So there'll be some messes on the way, but I intend to be a better writer and since it's my blog, I'll practice on it!


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