My Favorite Posts of 2012
I've decided to do a Year in Review of my blog posts. I'm going to choose my favorite post for each month of 2012. Some months have only one post, and that one is my favorite. 1) January. This is unusually pessimistic of me, but it's so true. Bullying is a problem, but I think it's approached all wrong. 2) February . I'm not entirely sure who I'm talking about in this, but I was hurt by whoever it was. Still true. Not the hurt part. 3) March . I still have a few jobs and this list should still be posted in every place requiring some kind of customer service. 4) April . This is a reflection on a movie I had watched with a friend. The movie had a much different outcome from what we expected, much more serious. There's a heavy message, a message of humanity. 5) May . I, seriously, wish men took this advice. I think it'd be very beneficial to them. ...