So, basically, my life should be a reality show.

I live in a house with four other women.  I know what you're thinking, that sounds hazardous and ridiculous...well, it's not.  The women I live with are sensational and unique, and I am amongst them.  I am so blessed to be a part of each of their lives, they make my life better and I hope I do the same for them.

Alright, enough of the mushy stuff.  We have AMAZING times together; like, really funny times, or really productive times, or really serious get it, we have lots of times.  Sometimes we joke about how we should have a reality show because we're so excellent; so here's the case for our reality show:

1) Looks.  We're all exceedingly attractive.  People like looking at aesthetically pleasing people, that we all are.  We all look very different so variety is a plus.

2) Magazines>>> Conversations.  We have a lot of them.  They provide endless hilarious conversations.  Conversations about: men, fashion, copy machines (that actually wasn't a magazine inspired conversation, but it was still riveting), sex, media, politics, ourselves, life plans, anything and everything.  We're all intelligent so the conversations are actually substantial.

3) Occupations.  Grad school, Marketing Director, Music Teacher, Translator/Interpreter, and Toddler Teacher.  I'd say that's a pretty diverse array of occupations.  Since we're all doing different things, viewers would see different parts of society.  It's not just that we have different perspectives on life because of being different people, we have different perspectives on life because we each have different occupations.  I see things, often, as a teacher, that effects my world view.  It encourages diversity.

4) Role Models.  We're not perfect, but we do all strive to be great.  We take responsibility for ourselves, each other, and others we love and care about.  None of us are into the party scene, harming ourselves with drugs or excessive amounts of alcohol, or sleeping around.  We're pretty good people, by people's standards, who always try to do the right thing.  I think our show would demonstrate how to be a person, a woman, of high esteem.  We all want different things from life and that's okay.

5) Our House.  We live in a pretty spectacular house.  It has LOTS of rooms (we each have our own room), but we always end up together in our living room downstairs.  We take pride in this building and keep it clean and decorate it (mostly just one of us decorates it, but we're all in agreement that we're alright with that).  Our house warrants a lot of opportunities for hosting different types of get togethers.  We love get togethers.

6) Community.  A couple guys were at our house Monday watching a football game with one of my roommates who LOVES the Green Bay Packers.  At some point we were talking about a little about music and I asked if that singer was the same as the one who sings that *ugh* song.  My roommate responds with a 'no' and the two guys were confused.  We have our own language, our own code, and many times it only takes one word to offset this whole codified language.  It's splendid.

Well, producers, I think I've made case for our show.  Come at me.


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