My Favorite Posts of 2012

I've decided to do a Year in Review of my blog posts.  I'm going to choose my favorite post for each month of 2012.  Some months have only one post, and that one is my favorite.

1) January. This is unusually pessimistic of me, but it's so true.  Bullying is a problem, but I think it's approached all wrong.

2) February. I'm not entirely sure who I'm talking about in this, but I was hurt by whoever it was.  Still true.  Not the hurt part.

3) March. I still have a few jobs and this list should still be posted in every place requiring some kind of customer service.

4) April. This is a reflection on a movie I had watched with a friend.  The movie had a much different outcome from what we expected, much more serious.  There's a heavy message, a message of humanity.

5) May. I, seriously, wish men took this advice.  I think it'd be very beneficial to them.  They're always like "What do women want?!  It's so hard to please y'all; you're such mysteries."  But then we, women, tell them and they don't use that advice.  Men!

6) June. I see myself being more and more of the woman who has to put make-up (even if only a little) on to leave the house.  It's crept up on me, but this blog has reminded me to look and love myself.  Just myself, no make-up.

7) July. Lol, this was right before I created an online dating profile.  But, having experienced online dating, I can say that I still have the desire to meet someone serendipitously.  Perhaps 2013 will have something in store?

8) August. What can I say?  He's a gem.

9) September. Gosh, September was a tough month to choose from.  But I settled on TiMER.  It's (another) reflection on a movie.  It's about love and not love, about possibilities and impossibilities.  Today, I'm cool with not having a TiMER.

10) October. This pretty much sums up my online dating experience.  What an adventure.  I think I stopped messing around with online dating soon after that post.  I've since tried to pick it up, but I'm pretty tired of dealing with duds.

11) November. November was another tough month to choose from.  I chose this post, about marriage because I'm forced to think about it on a daily basis.  The more it's in my face, the more I hold the 'marriage' I see up to what the church says about it.  They don't match up.

12) December.  I would have liked to close out the year with something jolly and optimistic, but I can't lie.  December was a tough month.  A lot of sadness was present in the world.  I feel like it was a terrible end to the year; all the bad things that happened seem to be glaringly obvious in the Season that's meant to be full of happiness and hope.  This post was written out of despair and frustration.  I despaired in the senseless deaths that took place not just that day but this year (and every year) in this World.  And I grow more and more frustrated with humanity's response to such terrible events.  These aren't just events, these are reflections of the heart of humanity.  I know, I know, you're not capable of this kind of evil...but you are, we all are.  The fact is, we humans are pretty terrible, we don't even realize how terrible we're being, but the evil's always there.  Sometimes we chose good and sometimes we choose evil.  There's always a choice even when we don't know we're making one.  I'm frustrated with the bickering that always happens after terrible out-pours of humanity's heart.  It's a blame game, it's a shoulda-woulda-coulda's a waste of time.  Don't argue, do.

I'm realizing how long a year is.  Hearing the year in review of music/pop culture/politics/everything, has made me realize how much the World goes through in just 365 days.  I mean A LOT!  Well folks, that's my 2012 in blogs.  I hope you have a splendid, safe, exceptional New Years.


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