(Un)Inspired List

Today, I have no inspiration.  Well, it's not just today, it's like the past week or so where I've felt uninspired, sad, depressed, drained, hazy, and all around not good.  It's not any one thing in particular that's causing me to feel these feelings, it's a culmination of several things going on, and not going on, in my life.  I don't even want to write my weekly list post; I have plenty of list posts I'd like to do, but I don't feel like doing any of them, so I'm gonna write a list of things that inspire me/make me smile/happy.  Hopefully, this will cheer me up, but probably not.

1) Puppies. I just really love them.  They are cute and perfect and wonderful.  And I love them.

2) Trader Joe's.  I went grocery shopping today and I really enjoy shopping there.  There are really great things there as well as less great things.  But there's always something new, interesting, and healthy there.  Another perk is the rather attractive, grizzly men there.  Today, there was this handsome ginger man with and hearty beard.  I'd date that.

3) Cake.  I mean, it's cake.

4) Equality.  Social injustice really upsets me.  I just want everyone to be treated with equity.  When I see people being cared for and respected all over the world with no regards to their race/socio-economic status/religion/gender/etc, I'm thrilled and relieved.

5) Good Teaching.  I'm a teacher and some days I'm not awesome at teaching, but some days I'm frickin' beasting it.  I've had a great couple of teaching weeks, it's a good feeling.

6) Good Make-Up Job.  I've been pushing myself to try different make-up techniques and it's a lot of fun.  Some things I'm still working on that are hard for me to perfect, but it's rewarding to finally get the cat-eye I've been butchering for so long.  I'm feeling pretty good about my make-up choices, it's a good way to express myself.

7) Alcohol. I like it.  Not all of it, but most things I've tried, I like.

I'm feeling a little better, but that's likely because I'm eating ice cream.  We'll see if it lasts.


  1. Here's my uninspired comment because I too have been feeling sad/hazy/depressed and uninspired. It's probably a conspiracy. Maybe our happy went to live on the island with the men and the water buffaloes?

  2. I suggest we go island hopping and retrieve our men and happiness.


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