rant concerning people who act like they've never had home training

Have you ever met/known someone that you wondered "how have they made it this far in life being that way?"  I have classrooms full of them, kids who: can't spell their middle/last name, don't know where they live (address/city), can't read an analog clock, can't tie their shoe, don't know their parents' full name, don't know their phone number, have never heard of allergy medicine, can't read/write in cursive, pick their noses in class, pass gas in class, can't color in the lines.  I mean come on!  When I interact with these children, I am first worried, then I'm offended.  I'm offended that they would even be able to progress any further in life and end up in my classroom not being able to do these basics in life.  How am I supposed to trust them with a school instrument when they can't recite their address to even bring the instrument home?  How can they read music well when they can't spell, and capitalize, their name properly?  I want every child to be legitimately exposed to music, everyone deserves that opportinuty; but everyone also needs to know some basics of life and many of these children don't.  I realize a lot (if not all) of this stuff is the parents' responsibility, but then that makes me wonder about what's going on at home.  It makes me worry.  My parents were far from perfect when raising me, but they sure as heck made sure I could spell my name, spell and recite theirs, knew my address and home number (to this day I still know it), read an analog clock, knew how to act in public (no nose picking or passing gas, etc), and all else that comes with growing up.  It bothers me when I see children who have made it to the eighth grade who don't know where they live; they're old enough to get a job, but they won't be able to fill out the application because they don't know their full name, address, number, and likely their social security number.  Do you see the urgency?

And what of adults?  Yesterday, I was walking my colorguard class down the hall to go outside and a teacher, well old enough to be my father, burped in my face.  I almost snatched him up by the collar and asked why he was so nasty!  How has he made it this far in life being so nasty?  I was offended and embarrassed.  But mostly I was disgusted and baffled.  Here he is a grown man (with a son in his 20's) burping in people's faces and not saying excuse me!  Unacceptable!

The teacher in me rises up when I see anyone acting in a manner that isn't appropriate for their age, surroundings, or time.  I want them to not just do better, I want them to be better.


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