9 Websites I Frequent

I'm not an avid computer and internet user, in fact, I'm not very good at most technology.  I'm cool with that.  I do, however, know how to type, also I know how to explore certain sites.  Here's a list of the sites I frequent most, in no particular order.

1) Facebook.  Duh

2) Twitter. At first I was weirded out by Twitter, I didn't get the appeal of people knowing what's happening with you every moment of everyday.  But decided to try it and now I really like it.  It's helped me stay informed on somethings; plus, I have lots of thoughts and feelings that Twitter just needs to know...lol.

3) HelloGiggles. I really dig this site because it has a variety of fun, interesting, upbeat things.  It's also founded by one of my favorite celebrities, Zooey Deschanel.  It has info on fashion, pictures of cute animals, blog entries from just normal people, talks about pop culture, and other stuff.

4) YouTube.  I mean, it's YouTube.

5) My Friends Are Married.  I just learned of this yesterday and it's already on my start screen on my phone.  It reminds me I'm not alone in this world, this world full of young marrieds who pretend like they don't know what it's like to be single because they've been married for less than a year and they're so much more mature than and different than they were before.

6) Groupon. One of my roommates was getting all this awesome stuff and wanted some awesome stuff so I signed up for Groupon.  I've bought some really awesome things on there for severely discounted prices: a couple online courses (Spanish and TEFL), make-up, concert tickets, dentist appointment, and a Fathers' Day gift.  There are some really good deals on there and you can customize the notifications you get.  Check it out!

7)Hey Girl Teacher.  Teaching is hard and it's nice to have some stud to encourage me.  That's what this website does.  It's likely that if you're not a teacher, you won't get a lot (most) of the jokes, but, trust me, they are funny and encouraging.

8) Blogspot.  I blog so I'm on this site fairly often.

9) Plenty of Fish.  I'm on a dating website and so I check to so who's on and who's been checking me out.

I didn't include the obvious ones like my email accounts, Gmail and  Microsoft Exchange.  But, there you have it, now you know.


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