3 Reasons Why Showering is Overrated
I didn't grow up close to a lot of girls, I didn't have sisters, so I don't know what's the norm for girls, but I do know that all my brothers and male cousins went through a phase when they didn't want to shower. One cousin would literally cut the shower on and stand in the corner of the tub to avoid getting wet until he thought he had been in there for a sufficient amount of time. I didn't go through that phase, but I'm going through it now. Before you scoff in disgust, I shower multiple times a week, so stop judging.
I think it all begins when puberty hits. The body is oozing with hormones to the point that they literally can't sit up straight. As a result of all the hormones the body reeks of B.O. (body odor) to the point where you could marinate it in frankincense and myrrh and cover it in baby powder and it still stink. THAT is when the habit of constant showering begins.
But, now, we no longer stink just from existing, so why do we still shower soo much? I think people shower too much, here's why it's overrated.
1) Time Consuming. It just takes so much time. You have to turn the water on, adjust the temperature, rinse off, lather up, more rinsing, shave, and it just goes on and on and on. Then afterwards you have to dry off, put lotion on, etc. I feel like there are better things to do than shower e.v.e.r.y single day. Just think what else you could do with an extra hour or so a week: read a book, exercise, sleep, learn how to knit, other stuff.
2) Your Skin. Your skin has natural oils and bacteria that are actually quite good. Every time we shower, we strip our skin of these good oils and bacteria. Of course it's important to clean your skin, it is the largest organ on your body, after all; but a give your skin some rest and let it do what it was meant to do.
3) Money. It's no secret that water and body hygiene products cost some money. Imagine how much money you'd save by cutting down on the amount of water and soap and shampoo and conditioner you buy!
Yes, hygiene and smelling good are great and necessary, but I don't think daily showering and hair washing are the way to go (unless, of course, you just finished sweating it up). So do yourself a favor and shower less.
Bellow are a few links I checked out for this blog
3) Money. It's no secret that water and body hygiene products cost some money. Imagine how much money you'd save by cutting down on the amount of water and soap and shampoo and conditioner you buy!
Yes, hygiene and smelling good are great and necessary, but I don't think daily showering and hair washing are the way to go (unless, of course, you just finished sweating it up). So do yourself a favor and shower less.
Bellow are a few links I checked out for this blog
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