In Orbit

I'm not an astronomer, but I do have basic knowledge about planets, how they orbit (I mostly just know that they orbit), and that they don't all orbit in a perfectly centered circle around the sun. Stay with me here on this metaphor: we're each our own solar system, so that would make each of us a sun. People are the different planets and moons in our solar system/life. There are times when the planets/people are closer to us and there are times when the planets retrograde from us. Some people are merely space trash, some people only stay in our gravitational pull for a designated amount of time, some people orbit in our lives forever. There's a beautiful synchronicity to this solar system, to each of our solar systems.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about who I want in my 'solar system'; the kind of people I want to be surrounded by and the kind of people I want to orbit around. I think to a certain extent you can choose who's in your system and sometimes you can't; some people sneak in (like the friend who I don't know how/when we met but we've been friends for years now) and stay, some people come bombarding in, tear up shit, and then leave. When I boil it all down, there are very few people who I actually want to have regular contact with my life. I've mentioned before how I don't have a lot of friends, but that doesn't bother me. It's the type and depth of friendships that I have with people that primarily concerns me.

I think it's important to regularly survey and maintain our solar systems, it is our life after all. We should take a good, hard look at who we want to have access to our lives, we should get rid of the obsolete satellites, we should accept the exiting of those who couldn't take our glorious heat (because we're the sun). But most importantly we should embrace the synchronicity and rhythm of our lives.


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