For Future Reference

For future reference, Colea, you don't have to do, or be, everything they say. And boy do they have a lot to say.
When they tell you what to eat, you unearth alternatives.
When they set out to make you feel inferior because you're not white, not skinny, you walk around naked in your blackness and curves.
When they reveal their lengthy list of only "do nots" for you female body, you wildly dance in the celebration that is autonomy.
When they box you into gender roles, you take your wrecking ball and smash the fucking patriarchy.
When they remind you that you are not a man and should therefore be subservient, you catapult fiery, feminist boulders at them.
When they tell you in whom and how to believe, you carefully piece together your own spirituality.
When they decide for you what to do with your life, you wander down every path that calls your name.
When they gaslight you, you dig your heels in deeper into every one of your emotions.
When they call you too loud, too opinionated, you get a megaphone.
When they limit you to a certain space, you let your colors bleed.
When they tell you who to love, you roll your eyes and lean in for the kiss.
When they belittle your cries for justice, you keep your hands up and engrave the victims' names on every surface.
When they hold you down under the waters of oppression, you fight, claw, and draw their blood.
When they tell you what to do, you do whatever the fuck you want.
For future reference, Colea, question everything, live everything, follow peace.


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