Internal Cheering
There are some things in life I cheer for, silently. I may give a solid, mental "YESSSS!" or give a mental high five, but when I really like seeing something, I affirm it even when alone, even silently.
1) Interracial Couples. I grew up with race being a big deal and point of contention between my parents and me. I didn't see what the big deal having majority White or Indian or Latina friends was, but my parents showed concern. When I was finally allowed to date in high school, I was told I could only date black guys. That didn't jive well with me, because I didn't want to limit myself on who I was to love based on something so surface as physical features. So when I see interracial couples I see progress. I see love and understanding and respect; I do not see traitors or sell outs. I will likely never understand my parents' thinking because interracial friendships and marriages are literally how we exist today. My dad's grandma was half Black, half White. My mom's dad is half Cherokee, a quarter Black, and a quarter White. So it's a little confounding and silly to me when people, anyone, are anything but supportive of interracial relationships, because there was likely some mixing in their genealogy.
1) Interracial Couples. I grew up with race being a big deal and point of contention between my parents and me. I didn't see what the big deal having majority White or Indian or Latina friends was, but my parents showed concern. When I was finally allowed to date in high school, I was told I could only date black guys. That didn't jive well with me, because I didn't want to limit myself on who I was to love based on something so surface as physical features. So when I see interracial couples I see progress. I see love and understanding and respect; I do not see traitors or sell outs. I will likely never understand my parents' thinking because interracial friendships and marriages are literally how we exist today. My dad's grandma was half Black, half White. My mom's dad is half Cherokee, a quarter Black, and a quarter White. So it's a little confounding and silly to me when people, anyone, are anything but supportive of interracial relationships, because there was likely some mixing in their genealogy.
2) Cows. There are cow pastures by where I live that I pass often and every time I pass them I cheer on the cows for still being alive, even though I know that they will be killed and eaten. Cows are not pretty or smart, but they are living creatures and nice, polite ones at that. I feel gratified that I get to help them live by not eating them. I like helping others, even if 'others' are dumb, smelly cows.
3) Short Haired Women. I have short hair. I love having short hair. When I see women rocking short hair, I automatically want to be friends with them. I love that they, we, aren't conforming to society's standards of beauty that say 'to be beautiful, a woman must have short hair'.
4) Well Behaved Children. I downright REJOICE when I see children in public places who are well behaved. Working in a mall, I see hundreds of children in a shift and many of them are throwing fits or crying/screaming/yelling/just plain loud. I don't understand the bravery/insanity of parents who take their kids out in public, seems like an embarrassing hassle. So when there's a child who is following directions (the first time) and not being so loud, I can't help but smile to myself. Way to go parents.
5) Music & Instruments. I can play a lot of instruments and I really like to talk about instruments. Guitar doesn't impress me, unless they can do something more than strum and they can read music, not just tab. But someone who can play wind or orchestral instruments and read their music makes me feel encouraged as a music teacher. Also, that person automatically becomes a much more intelligent person in my eyes. Music's the best.
I have nothing else to say.
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