Weekly Obsession, June 17, 2014

Hey y'all!  This week's obsession is brought to you by MUSIC!  I have been listening to this musician every chance I've gotten for the past week.  And I want more!!!

Sam Smith is his name and his voice is heavenly.  He's got this delightful voice that has the audacity to go high (I love when men can sing in a high range well), yet he has a soulful robustness to his voice.  I first saw him perform some weeks ago on SNL and afterwards had chills.  Most of his songs are about longing, love, and heartbreak; so, you know, really cheery stuff.  But so real to me.

I hope to hear more from him and absolutely more variety.  Perhaps some more upbeat, happy stuff.

SURPRISE!!!  You get a whole other weekly obsession!

ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished the second season last week and have started watching from the beginning (Season 1) with my roommate who's never seen it.  I am constantly moved by the stories of these women in this prison.  It's so refreshing to watch a show that's not centered around men and that presents women as these non-archetypal beings.  It's invigorating and I'm obsessed!  If you haven't watched the show, I really encourage you to; it shows women in a different light, it shows them as dynamic and real human beings.  It's breathtaking.


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