Final Letter to my supporters

Hello, here's the letter that I sent to my supporters.  This does not mean I am finished posting on this blog.

January 10, 2011
Hello!  I first want to thank you so very much for all your support, monetary and prayerful; it has meant so much to me during this time in my life as I learned how to trust the Lord with my future.  With great sorrow I must tell you that I will not be going to Argentina as planned.  Unfortunately, I was only at 51% of support raised at my final deadline; in order to go I had to have 100% money raised.  Currently, I am still very sad that I will not be going and will not be able to be used by the Lord in that capacity and also that I will not be able to share with you how the Lord is moving in Argentina through our ministry. 
To answer the question about what happens to the money:  all money belongs to Campus Crusade for Christ (which is what makes the donations tax deductible), so no money can be returned to the giver (that’s you).  I have chosen to donate the money to a handful of missionaries/missions from Campus Crusade for Christ, one of which is the Vida Estudiantil movement in Argentina.  Although it was not originally what any of us expected, I think it is still great that the money will be used to support God’s Great Commission for us (Matthew 28:18-20) through an excellent organization, Campus Crusade for Christ.
I am applying for jobs in Charlotte and learning to look to God for my future and security even though I understand so little about His plan.  I know that even though I am not going now, does not mean that I will never go; I still aspire to serve the Lord as an overseas missionary, but according to His timing and not mine.  As mentioned before, I do not understand God’s plan; I do not understand why He had me go through the Ministry Partner Development (money support raising) process, yet not send me, but I do know that He has a plan bigger than any of us could imagine and I want to be a part of it no matter what!  Thank you very much for your support throughout this process, it has meant so much to me and I greatly appreciate you.  "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters.  Amen."  Galatians 6:18

In Christ’s Love,
Aris Coléa Henderson


  1. I know it's difficult, but you are right! The Lord is still in control!!


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