God the Provider
Only within the past year or so have I become interested in Theology (the study of God, the attributes of Him), but I've quickly fallen in love with it and come into an understanding of the necessity. (The reason being, my discipler in Greensboro MADE me read Knowing God by J.I. Packer, and I've been hooked ever since...thanks Michelle). As I continue reading this book, for it is a very dense read, I fall more in love with the Lord. Quite simply, He's great and we're not. It amazes me that this God that's so big and intricate and lovely would choose to love us puny, stupid humans. But that is just me rambling. God is Provider. Countless times in the Bible God provided for the needs of His beloveds: the Hebrews' food and water in the desert is the one that stands out to me the most. God chose them, He was their God, but when things got to be uncomfortable they whined and wanted out of the journey. God continued to provide for them, ...