
Showing posts from July, 2010

God the Provider

Only within the past year or so have I become interested in Theology (the study of God, the attributes of Him), but I've quickly fallen in love with it and come into an understanding of the necessity.  (The reason being, my discipler in Greensboro MADE me read Knowing God by J.I. Packer, and I've been hooked ever since...thanks Michelle).  As I continue reading this book, for it is a very dense read, I fall more in love with the Lord.  Quite simply, He's great and we're not.  It amazes me that this God that's so big and intricate and lovely would choose to love us puny, stupid humans.  But that is just me rambling. God is Provider.  Countless times in the Bible God provided for the needs of His beloveds:  the Hebrews' food and water in the desert is the one that stands out to me the most.  God chose them, He was their God, but when things got to be uncomfortable they whined and wanted out of the journey.  God continued to provide for them, ...

Week 12 of Ministry Partner Development

Hey y'all, whoa three posts in one night, good deal!  Well this week marks my 12th week of Ministry Partner Development...whew!  Boy has this been a journey, learning to trust in the Lord for everything, with no 'Plan B' is tough but worth it.  I am still in the process of raising support and in GREAT need of monetary support and more people to contact.  There's no other way to put it:  I need you to give both contacts and money.

The Great Commission is real!

Matthew 28:18-20:  And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." That is what's called the Great Commission, and notice that it wasn't a suggestion. It's exciting to be a part of that; it's exciting to know people who are a part of that.  I can see how God has surrounded me with people who have a similar passion for sharing God's Love and Truth to said nations; this has been a blessing and a learning experience for me.  It brings true joy to my heart to think of all the places and people that will be changed by these people who have effected and affected MY life!  My friends and I have been called to go overseas to do the Lord's work and there's no greater hon...

Argentina information

Hello!  Here's a great link to some information about Argentina, pretty official stuff. If you would like to give: (Aris Henderson) In Christ's Love, Coléa

in the month to come

Hey all. So almost exactly a month away all the STINTers who will be beginning work in their assignments (for example my assignment Buenos Aires, Argentina) this STINT season will be reporting to Chicago, Illinois for the annual STINT briefing! Hoorah! (By the way, STINT stands for Short Term INTernational.) Some people will be leaving for their assignments straight from the briefing! What this means to me is that 1)my LAST semester in school is quickly approaching and 2) the urgency of support raising is becoming more real.   If all of my support does not come in, I do not go. There is definitely a great need in Buenos Aires, Argentina for STINTers (in fact there are around 900,000 college students in Buenos Aires, Argentina) , so we don't want to let them down! If you would like to learn more about what I'll be doing as a STINTer in Buenos Aires, Argentina send me a message at Also, if you would like to give this is the best way http://give.ccci....

ministry update

Hey y'all!  Boy has this past week been great; people have (actually) been calling me back!  When people call ME back, it's so encouraging and helps me out immensly because I have a list of people to call and it adds to my ever growing/changing list when I have to call them again.  Not only have I been encouraged by people calling me back, but I have had two great appointments since Saturday.  Both have ended in the blessing of a commitment to give to this ministry (!) and one has ended with a solid handful of referrals.  While it's been greatly encouraging to have these two appointments as well as a decision to partner by the phone from a family a little further away, I'm still not where I should be in the Ministry Partner Development process.  Typically, 6-8 appointments are recommended for each week of support raising and I've only been doing (if any at all) a small portion of that per week.  There are times when it's really hard to feel encour...

this week

It never seems to amaze me how the Lord keeps me and loves me and how He expresses His love.  My mind is so small, I put these limits/expectations/plans on God because that's what makes sense to me.  But God is bigger and better, in fact, He's perfect.  So when my plans and expectations don't go the way I expect for them to and I feel frustrated, confused, and maybe even a little cheated; God comes in and reminds me that He's had it all along. At times I feel frustrated, confused, and maybe even a little cheated about Ministry Partner Development; I didn't expect for it to be this hard.  But even on days when I'm feeling so very discouraged and disappointed, the LORD reminds me that He takes care of me.  He reminds me, constantly, that this isn't up to me.  This is not the Coléa show, this is and always will be about God.  This is about God being glorified, from the process of building my Ministry Team to the day I return to the US from Argentina. ...

truckin' along

Hello all!  This past week has been strange and awesome.  Last Saturday was a very tough day; I woke up with the ringing thought of "You're not to go to Argentina".  This made me panicky, scared, and confused.  I tried refuting that thought with using [my] logic:  why would the Lord change my heart so drastically for Argentina?, couldn't this be a lie from satan (he is called the father of lies after all)?, am I just feeling discouraged?  So I decided to go to the Lord, He knows all that answers.  I voiced my fear, that He wasn't calling me to Argentina like I knew He was, and wasn't even going to bother reading my Bible, but I did.  Right now I'm reading Daniel in my quiet times with the Father and that book is full of goodies!  By no coincedence, I was at Daniel chapter six, this is where King Darius made a rule that no one should pray to anyone that was not his god(s) or else they would be thrown into the lions' den to die....