if I'm completely honest
Hi. Well second to last time I posted, I expressed that I was angry with God because I felt that He was mean and rude to me. Nothing has really changed, but I don't care. I know, I know...that's so un-Christiany, but it's the truth. I feel that God has slammed the door in my face (leaving my nose broken) and has stopped talking to me. In human terms, we'd call that rude. I'm in the wilderness, not to elevate myself to the level of the Hebrews when they had been rescued from Egypt, but I am spiritually in the wilderness. I'm extremely uncomfortable, don't know which way is up, and have some future hope of something great, but have lost sight of it because all I can see is the misery of now. Something that's also really un-Christiany of me is my not really talking to God; I still love Him, but I'm not ready to trust Him again. Someone described it as me putting God on the couch (like a married couple), but it's more like I am o...