if home is where the heart is...
At STINT Briefing we had what was called AOA, Area of Affairs (I think), and in those meetings we learned about the culture we would be STINTing in. I, of course, was in Latin America. During one of the times we met, we talked about the differences in the values of US culture and Latin American culture. Of course not everyone in the USA or in Latin America are the same, but these are generalizations that somewhat outline values of each of these cultures. So below are the list of comparable values of the USA and Latin America (USA on top and Latin America in bold) : 1)Task Oriented: productivity 1) People Oriented: relationships 2) Time Oriented: scheduled 2) Event Orientation: here and now has full attention 3) American Dream: corporate ladder 3) Limited Resources: social status stays 4) Consumerism: trading for bigger and better 4) Conservation: use until can't use anymore 5) Efficiency and Convenience: save time and get more done 5) Tradition: done how they're...