I'm not rich by US standards, and the likelihood of me ever being rich is pretty slim; but sometimes I get displeased with something and decide that if I'm ever rich I'll remedy what displeases me by using my money. Here are some things I'd remedy if I was ever rich. 1) Pants. I went to Target today just for some mouthwash and swung by the clothes section (a constant mistake of mine) to check out the jeans. Currently, I have about 4 pairs of jeans and 2-3 are getting pretty worn looking and/don't fit properly because they've been worn so often, so I've decided to replace them. I found my "fit" jeans and tried on my size, too small. I figure the next size up should do it, too small and too large. What?! The sad thing is, this isn't unusual. Pants will fit in the legs-butt-hips but will be entirely (and noticeably) too big in the waist. Or some other combination. So I've decided (dreamed) that when (which is never) I'...
I just finished watching a documentary by Chris Rock called Good Hair. It was a sincere look into the world of 'black hair'; it looked into relaxers (sodium hydroxide used to straighten hair) and weave (hair sewn/glued in), primarily, but also talked about other types of hair treatment and sources. The film was very informative for me as I have never gotten a lot of that stuff figured out, there's a lot of stuff out there. The documentary's sole purpose wasn't to inform the public of the extents black women go to to have their hair look good, it was more about the thought, heart, behind it. The term 'good hair' is something I've heard my whole life, it essentially means that the hair looks healthy straightened and is 'easy' to style like a white person's hair. Not "nappy". Growing up I had 'bad' hair because it wasn't relaxed/straitened. I wore braids and cornrows (see below) from the time I was 3 until I was 15...
No, not the Mickey Mouse Club or the chocolate candies. Magic Mike. Yea, I said it. Yea, I saw it. Am I embarrassed/have regrets? No. Did I enjoy it? Umm, yea. I've heard lots of reactions about the movie; and being in the Bible Belt, a lot of them have been on the hostile, antagonistic side. This isn't a post defending my seeing it. I'm an adult who can see whatever the hell I want. It's more of a response, that'll probably get some flack, to people's reaction to the movie and the movie goers. My friends and I scored some free tickets for an early showing. I think we saw it over a week early. Basically, we'll see pretty much any movie for free, so that played a huge part in our viewing of it. Yes, there was nudity in the movie, no actual penises but there was plenty of man butt. There was also some female nudity, I think I saw a total of four to six breasts. The movie, however, was not ab...
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