Update 05/28/2014
Just another update if you're interested. I just, perhaps 7 minutes ago, submitted an application to become a flight attendant for a mainline, non-legacy, airline. Basically in the past week I decided that it'd be pretty neat to be a Flight Attendant so today marks the first day I actually started in on the process. "But, Coléa, what happened to the whole 'moving to Chile' thing?' you may be asking: well I sent in my application packet two weeks ago today. Two days after I sent my application in I received an email from the Chilean Consulate in DC saying that I don't qualify for the temporary residency visa I applied for. The email was a generic rejection one so it didn't tell me why, only the kind of people that visa was for and that I could be a tourist in Chile for three months on my US passport. I sent an email in response asking him what I need to do to qualify for said visa and explained that according to what he said in the generic reje...