
Showing posts from April, 2013

I Like Tumblrs

Tumblr  is basically a picture sharing website.  You can create an account, much like you do a blog, and post things you find on the internet, pictures/videos you take, all sorts of stuff.  Here are my favorite tumblrs. 1) My Friends Are Married .   This blog is so funny and I can relate so stinkin' much with the different posts.  The older I get, the more people I know are getting married.  It's normal, I guess, but marriage isn't even in my foreseeable future, so this tumblr is perfect for me. 2) E is for Educator .   I am an educator and it's so nice to visit this site and feel understood and in good, fun, company of fellow educators. 3) The Bearded .   I love  bearded men.  When I look at this site, I think "Praise the Lord!"  I don't know who these men are, but I enjoy their faces.  Way to go. 4) Reasons My Son is Crying .   This tumblr brings me to tears...of laughter.  These kids...